The Best Things Smart Travelers Do Before a Flight

Frequent flyers share their top tips for a smooth journey.

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Protocole for passport

Your passport is essential for international travel. Before you leave for the airport, double-check that your passport is in your bag. Patricia Hajifotiou is the owner of The Olive Odysseys, a small-group tour company that leads tours throughout Europe. She says, “Make a duplicate of your passport and keep it in your bag at all times.” I plasticize mine for future trips.” And, depending on the strength of your passport, it might be even more powerful than you realize.

Protect against mishaps

Traveling can be fraught with dangers. There are many factors that could go wrong, including trip cancellations and delays, lost or delayed luggage, travel accidents and emergency evacuations. This doesn’t mean that you have to stop dreaming of traveling the world. Leah Althiser, author of The Frugal South, says, “When I book an international trip with my loved ones, I make sure that I pay for our flights and lodging with a credit card which offers reimbursement for these inconveniences.” These benefits are offered by most premium credit cards, with some having an annual fee of less than $100. These benefits could save you thousands of dollars if anything goes wrong during your trip. This guide will show you how to get reimbursed for lost or damaged luggage. These 15 travel points perks are not available to you.

Notify banks

You want to get away from the grid? Even if your mother doesn’t know where you are going, it’s a good idea to tell your credit card company. Tom Carr, founder of Preferred Vacations, says that banks take extra precautions to protect credit card fraud and will stop transactions that aren’t in your usual pattern. It’s best to inform your bank where you will be traveling if you don’t plan to travel frequently. This will ensure that you are not waiting in line at the register or paying for food at a restaurant until you speak with your bank.

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Avoid germs

You will touch many surfaces, including buttons, touch screens and escalator railings. Dr. Spangler says that you should clean your hands as often as possible and keep a 3-ounce antibacterial hand sanitizer on hand for those times when soap and water are not an option. Consider bringing along a small pack of antibacterial wipes to wipe down surfaces and other areas that you will encounter during your flight.

Prevent jetlag

A little foresight can reduce the time it takes to adjust to a disturbed circadian rhythm. Mitch Krayton CTA, owner of Krayton Travel in Denver, says, “Set your watch to indicate the arrival time zone immediately you get on the plane.” Then, eat, sleep and act as if you’re already in the correct time zone. This will help with jet lag and make you more ready for your arrival.

Compression socks are recommended

Compression socks may not look very attractive, but they are an essential life-saving tool that everyone should have. “Sitting down for long periods of time, especially during long flights, can cause problems,” Dr. William Spangler, Global Med Director at AIG Travel who has over 30 years of emergency medicine experience. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is the formation blood clots in the legs and thighs. Although it doesn’t cause any pain, clots can break off and travel elsewhere. Dr. Spangler recommends that you get up at least once every two hours to move your legs. It’s great if you can move up and down the aisle.

Charge electronic devices

People used to fly without electronics. This would be impossible today unless you run out of juice or have been relegated to the stone age. Christian Eilers, the founder of Dauntless Jaunter, says that charging your phone, laptop, and other electronics can accomplish two things. It ensures that you have enough power to keep your passengers entertained and working while on the flight. You will also be able to plan ahead where your cables and batteries are, which can save you from a last-minute rush to find an Uber.

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Register for TSA PreCheck

It would be great to have security with a shorter wait and fewer invasive checks. Jenny Smith, frequent flyer and founder of How to Move to New Zealand, recommends that you apply for the TSA pre-screening program. To join the PreCheck program, you will need to register beforehand and fill out an interview. Although there is a fee for joining, it can be worth it if you fly semi-frequently.

Live data

Did you sprint all the way to your gate to discover that it had been switched to one closer to you? Alissa Musto is a professional travel musician and singer-songwriter. “Register for flight updates on you phone.” “If your flight is delayed, or security lines are long you will get updates in real-time so you can plan accordingly.” Don’t forget about downloading the app for your airline.

Keep an eye out for must-haves

You don’t have to travel with a carry-on if you’re not yet proficient in this art. But there are some things you should never forget. Jeff Miller, who has traveled to 73 countries and co-owns the travel blog Our Passion For Travel, says “Pack your medication into your carry on.” You should always bring your medication with you when traveling. You should bring your medication with you, but it depends on where you are going. In the unlikely event that your luggage is lost, it may be difficult to access or cost a lot. Your passport, money and electronics as well as jewelry, lighters, batteries, and cash are all subject to the same rules.

BYOF (bring your food)

If you don’t like the idea of eating a bland airplane sandwich or standing in line for a greasy hamburger, it’s better to bring your own food. Betsey Baner, a former wellness educator and owner of Midlife Millennials travel blog, says that airport food is often overpriced. I plan ahead and bring my own snacks and meals. There are many options for nuts, fruits and vegetables. I bring my own salad to work every day in a gallon-sized, sealed bag. You can eat your own food and make your own meals, which is particularly important when you travel long distances, change time zones and have limited connections.

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Select your seats carefully

It’s possible to think you have read the seat map, but then you find that you are seated next to the toilet, have less legroom due to an equipment box or accidentally booked a seat with no moveable armrest, which reduces the seat width. Victoria Langmead is a Safari Expert at Scott Dunn. A seat map will be available for each aircraft so you can choose the best seat for you.

Visit an airport lounge

An airport lounge is a safe place to go if you’re on a long layover, or are looking for a quiet spot to take a conference call. Yuichi Nishiyama is a pilot with All Nippon Airways. He says that airport lounges will make travel easier. Lounges are a great place to relax away from the chaos at the airport. Many airlines offer day passes that allow you to use the facilities. These are the top mistakes airports should avoid before you travel again.

Check travel alerts

It’s essential to be informed about what is happening in the area you are visiting before you go on vacation. The U.S. Department of State has travel warnings for various countries that explain which countries you can still travel to and which you should be more cautious. These are the 13 worst things you can do at an airport.

Hydrate ahead

Your lips, nose, throat, and hands feel chapped on flights. According to the Cleveland Clinic, approximately half of the cabin air is drawn from the outside, with very little moisture at 35,000 feet. Anisa Alhilali co-owns Two Traveling Texans, and has stamps from 41 different countries in her passport. “I drink as much water possible for 24 hours before I go on vacation. I always bring water on the plane. You should bring your own water bottle and refill it after you have gone through security. This will help you stay hydrated.

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